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Patty McCormack

Patty McCormack

Birthday: 21 August 1945, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Birth Name: Patricia Ellen Russo

As a testament to her passion and talent, former 1950s pig-tailed moppet star Patty McCormack has remained a consistent presence on film and TV for over five decades. While the lovely and talented blo ...Show More

Patty McCormack's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (287)
Patty McCormack Patty McCormack'S roles

Sylvie Stephens-Wilkes
Sylvie Stephens-Wilkes

Mavis Breen 1985
Mavis Breen 1985

Liz LaCerva
Liz LaCerva

Pat Nixon
Pat Nixon

Rhoda Penmark
Rhoda Penmark
